

I work with Men and Women facing relationship challenges. Sessions can be done as a couple or individually.

Self Esteem Issues

Learn techniques to reduce the effects of low self-esteem, or poor body image so you can live a happier, more fulfilling life. 

Individual Counselling

Whether you seek support for life changes, overcoming addiction, or difficult thoughts and emotions, counselling can be highly beneficial. 

Life Transitions

Therapy can help with mental health problems and provide extra support when going through any difficult life transition, by providing a non-judgmental, safe, and caring environment. 

Life-Altering Trauma

Struggling with trauma or C-PTSD? Traumatic events can cause physical, emotional, and psychological harm. Therapy can help you recover.

Anger Management

Therapy teaches you how to examine your triggers, minimize stress, and increase self-control. It helps you to understand and express  yourself in healthier ways. 

Book A Complimentary 15-30 Minute Discovery Meeting

Pricing Plans

Join me on the path toward inner peace. Let's begin!


About Me

I provide an in-depth understanding of life's complexities, particularly concerning C-PTSD, and I am wholly dedicated to your well-being. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.


  • Grief and Loss
  • Suicidal Ideation & Thoughts
  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Borderline Personality Disorders
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Poor Body Image
  • Addictions
  • Life-Altering Trauma
  • Anger Mangement

Contact Me

Monday-Friday: 9am–6pm


Summerland, British Columbia


Find me on Psychology Today

Schedule Appointment

Book a complimentary 15-30 minute meeting to discover if starting this journey with me feels right for you.