A little about me, and the therapy

Powerful Transformation & Lasting Results

Welcome to Cienna Counselling. My mission is to support you in overcoming your inner critic, managing fears, addressing barriers to success in work or relationships, and enhancing your interpersonal effectiveness. 

I believe that healing occurs through genuine connection. My goal is to provide a safe and comfortable space where you can freely explore anything necessary to cultivate a meaningful life. I invite you to reach out to me today to schedule an appointment.

Trauma can occur in various forms, and it can have a profound impact on one’s life, affecting our nervous system, which serves as the vital connection between our brain, spinal cord, and every cell in our body. This intricate network is vulnerable to the effects of trauma, resulting in a wide range of symptoms, from mild to severe. These symptoms manifest as fight, flight or freeze responses, also referred to as triggers. 

The descriptions in the following list are not exhaustive; they are signs that indicate stress could be impacting your life negatively:

Acute Stress

  • Disassociating and memory loss
  • A feeling of not real or dreamlike
  • Flashbacks or recurring images 
  • Hypervigilance and a constant state of alert
  • Avoiding the place of trauma or any reminders
  • Nightmares about the event or events

Signs of C-PTSD

  • Feeling emotionally detached or numb
  • Irritability and poor anger management
  • Muscular stiffness and pain
  • Panic attacks and other signs of anxiety
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Brain fog

Social & Behavioural Effects

  • Social withdrawal
  • Substance use disorder
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Difficulty keeping a job
  • Difficulty trusting others
  • Sense of ongoing confusion or depression

My Approach 

I am a gentle, compassionate, intuitive therapist who deeply cares about your healing journey, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

The Therapies 

With an eclectic approach, I utilize various holistic psychotherapy techniques to deliver effective treatments and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. I work with C-PTSD, BPD, anxiety, suicidal ideation, shame-based trauma, and addictions. The following therapeutic approaches align particularly well with treating CPTSD, PTSD, Addiction, and BPD and have proven to have lasting and transformative results:

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): A powerful and transformative therapy offered at Cienna Counselling. DBT is evidence-based and has shown remarkable outcomes for individuals with BPD, anxiety, complex PTSD, and other mental health concerns. It provides practical strategies to manage emotions and behaviours in challenging situations, focusing on the balance between acceptance and change.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Goal-oriented therapy that identifies and addresses negative thought patterns and beliefs affecting your present-day life. Collaborate with me to reframe your thought patterns within challenging situations. Homework is provided weekly to actively participate in the treatment process.
  • Polyvagal Therapy: Trauma affects not just thoughts and memories but also becomes ingrained in the nervous system. This therapy focuses on restoring the balance in the nervous system that helps ensure safety and protection and revolves around three neural pathways closely linked to the autonomic nervous system. The ventral vagus pathway creates a sense of safety, promoting social engagement and emotional well-being. The sympathetic pathway activates the fight-or-flight response, mobilizing energy for action. 

  • Somatic Therapy: Also referred to as body psychotherapy, is an essential therapeutic approach offered at Cienna Counselling. My focus lies in acknowledging the significance of both our mind and body experiences and emphasizing the vital connection between the two. The term “somatic” itself, meaning “of or relating to the body,” truly encapsulates the essence of this transformative therapy.

About Me

At Cienna Counselling I empathize deeply with the profound impact that trauma can have on every aspect of your life. Leaving home at 15, I believed it would solve all my problems, but life’s complexities and complex PTSD symptoms proved otherwise. With support from non-judgmental skilled therapists, unwavering perseverance, and a spiritual awakening, my life has transformed into one filled with meaning. This transformative experience ignited my passion to become a therapeutic counsellor. Assisting others in overcoming the profound effects of childhood trauma is a passion for me. Through my unique perspective and rigorous training, I have gained insight into what it means to struggle with complex PTSD symptoms, addictions, shame, and unhelpful thinking patterns that hinder us from achieving the life we desire. At Cienna Counselling, everyone deserves to be treated with unconditional positive regard and support, regardless of their past experiences. Your journey toward healing and transformation is a hero’s journey; you don’t have to face it alone.

Book A Complimentary 15-30 Minute Discovery Meeting

Join me on the path toward inner peace. Let's begin!


About Me

I provide an in-depth understanding of life's complexities, particularly concerning C-PTSD, and I am wholly dedicated to your well-being. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.


  • Grief and Loss
  • Suicidal Ideation & Thoughts
  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Borderline Personality Disorders
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Poor Body Image
  • Addictions
  • Life-Altering Trauma
  • Anger Mangement

Contact Me

Monday-Friday: 9am–6pm



Summerland, British Columbia


Find me on Psychology Today

Schedule Appointment

Book a complimentary 15-30 minute meeting to discover if starting this journey with me feels right for you.